Catholic Life during a 3 Day Power Outage

So yes, we knew that a storm was coming. Being that we both have lived a really long time in Florida, you may say we know the drill. But, we became a bit laxed, since last year we were blessed and had no bad storms or Hurricanes.  And we'll to be honest, we saw the news, and thought, we better pray and say the Rosary for The "Other Coast" of Florida.  
And, yes, we waited a bit late to look for Candles. I found some plain Church style white Pillar candles in glass at Dollar General. And I put a order in for Instacart. I then proceeded to ask Mama Mary to please make sure they weren't out, and we could get some. We'll the Instacart Shopper sends me a message They are out of those! She then proceeded to send a photo of the Candles that were still in stock. And to our delight they had quite a few of Sacred Heart of Jesus Candles!!! I quickly thanked Mama Mary and we were so floored and grateful!
As I stated in another blog post, we were without power for 3 days, actually a few hours short of 3 days. 
And we lit in every room a Sacred Heart of Jesus Candle at dusk. It was a blessing during such a stressful time. 
The Rosaries continued, the Novenas, and I read all the Mother Mary books on Fatima that America needs Fatima sent me. We also did some gripping, some feeling sorry for ourselves and prayers for the whole state in between. I'm not happy to say on the last day with no power we were both complaining and acting ungrateful. Something I've prayed about and tried to do penance about. 
We are all Saints in training. The most important thing is to never give up even when the training wheels come flying off. 
PS. All the photos were snapped during the power outage. 


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