This Weekend Church Bazaar and Advent Week one!

It's that time of year! And for Catholics it's super busy! We have Advent, I celebrate Hanukkah and of course 8 days of Christmas! Phew that's a lot! But it's for the preparation of Jesus's coming. In Birth and in the Future, that TBD. 
I haven't celebrated Advent in years. I'm watching a lot of YouTube videos on it and daily readings. A purification time, to clean my soul so there will be room for Jesus. More him, less me as St John the Baptist said! 
I have my Advent wreath, my Candles and Magnificat Advent Companion and Advent Calendar. 
But mostly, my heart needing to be mended up and the stuffing put back in, washed and cleaned, 😂. 
I did a Series of Art Pieces one for each week of Advent. I haven't ever done Advent Art before. I used Olive Leaves in background instead of traditional pine. For our Jewish Roots! I always say Being Catholic is Jew 2.0. 
I'm also Doing our Church Bazaar. I haven't done anything like this in years! Alot of year's and never a Church Bazaar, lol. But now that Mama Mary has moved my work from Secular to Catholic I gotta go where our peeps are, lol. 
For sure! 
And to be at the Church for two days should be fun. We will have electricity so I can bring my Lit up Mary and Jesus! I'm still praying on best set up. 😂. 
We're all works in progress and the devil wants us to regress. Not happening. But he and his minions try. And I just make sure to be under Mother Mary's Mantle!


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